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Bot's information

  1. Bot

    Database Record Comments Not Displaying From Zapier

    I have my community heavily integrated with Zapier. It generally works well, but lately we have been experiencing an issue that we weren't before. When attempting to automate a record comment on a database from Zapier, the comment is not appearing on the record. I have checked all permissions and settings, cleared system caches, and reset things on both sides without any luck. It's happening on all of my databases, but here's an example: When a player completes a "Fundraiser" record, Zapier calculates their revenue and posts as a reply to their fundraiser. We know that the comment arrived from Zapier because it appears in the Activity Stream (screenshot below) as expected. However, on the database record itself, the comment does not appear: Funding a Fairer Ohio - Fundraisers - DynamicSim Something must have happened within the last few weeks because it used to work well, as seen here: Fundraising Rally for Change - Fundraisers - DynamicSim Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance. View the full Question
  2. Bot

    Supplier hacked

    What happened? I assume the site is IPB. Are we at risk? It would be good to have information. View the full Question
  3. Bot

    YouTube Videos Sometimes Do Not Display

    Wonder if anyone can give me some direction on this, we seem to be having intermittent issues displaying YouTube videos. When the share link is copy pasted into the editor interface, the video displays, but when the topic saved, the video does not display. Here is a link to a post reply with YouTube vid shared, but not displaying: https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/forums/topic/40651-lets-talk-loose-tenons/?do=findComment&comment=339447 Thanks for any help in advance. 🙂 Woops, just disabled all customization's and it works now, sorry for the false alarm, I'll see which plugin or app is causing this, sorry! View the full Question
  4. Bot

    Moving Downloads To A New Category

    I recently needed to sort a lot of downloads (submitted by members) into new sub-categories to make them easier to navigate. There were originally a few hundred in the original category. I created a series of sub-categories, under the first category to move them into. When I came to work through the downloads and select them to move into the new sub-categories, I discovered that if the downloads I ticked were spread over two or more pages, then an error was produced when I tried to move them... I managed to get around this by pinning the downloads first so they were all on the first page. Once grouped, they moved without issue. I suspect this is a bug? View the full Question
  5. Bot

    Issue upgrading forum

    I have been unwell for a while and wasn't able to keep on top of the upgrades needed to keep my forum up to date. Now I'm feeling better, I have in the last couple of days bought an upgrade to my forum to take it from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.0 or above. However, when I tried to implement the upgrade through the admin panel, I was met with this message: 'A configuration or server error has occurred: 1C287/2 You are running PHP version 7.4.33. You need PHP 8.0.0 or above. You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator to ask for an upgrade.' I have spoken to my hosting company and they have come back to me with: 'It's a bit of a catch-22 situation: if your website is set to PHP 7.4, you can access the IPS admin area to run the update, but it won't update unless your website is set to PHP 8.x. If the website is set to PHP 8.x, you can't access the IPS admin area to run the update. I think you may need to ask IPS support how to get around this issue.' Does anyone in the community have any suggestions how we can get round this issue? Many thanks for your help with this. View the full Question
  6. Hello, This is our community. www.TheModernVocalistWorld.com We have a simple request we are interested in paying someone to help us with and perhaps go on to be our "go-to" IC person. We simply need to embed iframe code into our community from GoHighLevel (Our new CRM system) and then we will disable the current pop-up. Where the hell do you drop this code? Can someone help us? If so, please provide a workflow or screenshots or loom video. View the full Question
  7. Bot

    Monica Badea posted a new status

    Hello, how do I disable all registered members from receiving that status update by email ? Hi AnutaTM, Monica Badea posted a new status update. Monica Badea said: Hi Chirila Adriana, Welcome to LOSE WEIGHT TOGETHER, EATING ORDERLY💗💗.. Thank you for joining our forum and we welcome you on this occasion. To become a member with full rights and to be able to post on any of the topics, please first of all make a short introduction by clicking on "Member presentation" The presentation contains a name (whether it is the real one or not), age and place of residence. You can also upload a profile photo, if you find it more interesting. In the future, we expect you to post questions, answers, or to open new discussion topics, respecting the structure of the forum. Before posting, use the "Search" function to avoid opening topics with the same topic of discussion. Sincerely the team, WE LOSE WEIGHT TOGETHER, EATING ORDERLY💗💗. Another member who was already registered also received that message! View the full Question
  8. Bot

    Could't login Admin CP after change root domain

    After Marc Stridgen replaced my root domain with the actual root domain in Pro Plan. I could not login to Admin CP with the old admin accounts. Also, all forum icons disappeared (attached screenshot) How can I solve it? Thanks View the full Question
  9. Discovered I'm getting an error when trying to post a Youtube URL when creating a new post "The value entered includes a character that is not allowed such as an Emoji". If I reply to an already existing topic, it will post just fine, but if you are trying to create a new post/topic, it throws this error. Any ideas? URL in this case: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZjQpenulx8" View the full Question
  10. Bot

    Disconnected user

    Hello, I have been contacted by one user saying that 10-30 minutes after he exist my forum (only closing the browser and not disconnect from forum) The user disconnect when he come back—making him log in via Facebook/Gmail all over again. What issue could be? View the full Question
  11. Bot

    Issue after most recent updgrade

    Hi, We have lot of topics which have 1000’s of replies. After most recent upgrade when we click on the these topics page is not loading. Any suggestions related to what might be the issue? Something changed with the latest upgrade? I can message the link if anyone can take a look at it. Thank you. View the full Question
  12. Bot

    Maintenance tasks not running But the running

    Hello im running in a custom home server debian 12 php-fpm 8.2 im getting into acp " Maintenance tasks not running " but according last run they result running i tried different method with crono job from server. and after 24 hours message coming up then i switched to Use web service with my self own application that send a request to php page and the output from the quest is task run I made a small c++ software that visit the task url each 25 second, below screenshot i running this into a windows server and everything is fine from my client side but the alert message still popup there! any help ? View the full Question
  13. Bot

    Cleaning ibf_core_member_history?

    Got a message from our hosting provider that the ibf_core_member_history is a very large table at this moment. They ask us to reduce this table. Is there a way/setting that I can do that safely? Is it just history for what any member did on the database? View the full Question
  14. Bot

    Unable to create new forum

    Hi, We are trying to create a new forum and below is the error I am seeing when trying to create one..Can anyone suggest what might be the issue. INSERT INTO `forums_forums` ( `parent_id`, `forums_bitoptions`, `position` ) VALUES ( '2', 0, 13 ) IPS\Db\Exception: Field 'max_threads_error' doesn't have a default value (1364) #0 /home/nginx/domains/testdomain.com/public/system/Db/Db.php(941): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery() #1 /home/nginx/domains/testdomain.com/public/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(487): IPS\_Db->insert() #2 /home/nginx/domains/testdomain.com/public/system/Node/Model.php(2530): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->save() #3 /home/nginx/domains/testdomain.com/public/applications/forums/sources/Forum/Forum.php(1327): IPS\Node\_Model->save() #4 /home/nginx/domains/testdomain.com/public/system/Node/Controller.php(420): IPS\forums\_Forum->formatFormValues() #5 /home/nginx/domains/testdomain.com/public/applications/forums/modules/admin/forums/forums.php(132): IPS\Node\_Controller->form() #6 /home/nginx/domains/testdomain.com/public/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\forums\modules\admin\forums\_forums->form() #7 /home/nginx/domains/testdomain.com/public/system/Node/Controller.php(69): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #8 /home/nginx/domains/testdomain.com/public/applications/forums/modules/admin/forums/forums.php(44): IPS\Node\_Controller->execute() #9 /home/nginx/domains/testdomain.com/public/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\forums\modules\admin\forums\_forums->execute() #10 /home/nginx/domains/testdomain.com/public/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #11 {main} View the full Question
  15. Bot

    Security certificate error

    Hello, I'm hosted here with invision and suddenly my site is showing a security error. tintdude.com Thanks for any help View the full Question
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