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[Market] Pages Legend News


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Legend Grid News Is a series of Page-App-Templates accompanied with a powerful plugin, so you can create a very flexible layout throughout your Pages app Database, in FrontPage, Category and Record View pages. These templates can be use on a New Page app Database setup or can be assigned to an existing Databases.

FrontPage - Category View (Grid Style) - Category View (List Style) - Display View (Full Width Record Image)


Note: Usage of this product requires IPS Pages App 4.7



  • Very Nice and flexible options to play it's layout for FrontPage area
  • A nice, stylish and Built-in "Featured Record Section" that can be set to show 3/5/6 of your latest/pinned records
  • Choose between two style of listing items in FrontPage: 1. Grid view (with more setting to display 2/3/4 grid per line) 2. List view
  • Nice/customizable Hover effects for listing items
  • Omittable Parts in listing Items, you can choose to show which part to see (Description, stats, last poster, byline...)
  • Very Nice and flexible Category Page. choose between two style of listing items: 1. Grid view (with more setting to display 2/3/4 grid per line) 2. List view
  • Nice JQuery Tool for Users to swipe between 2/3/4 grid per line at any time
  • Nice Template for Record view with option to display between two style: 1. Fully scaled and wide article image 2. Normal and customizable size for article image
  • Nice Block/Widget template for record feed in Pages app. can be used in every places in Page app, including non Legend Grid News databases.
  • Image LazyLoad support
  • Support YouTube video in News image section (Demo)

Template/Plugin Can be used Multiple time in one domain installation.

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