تیم مدیریت  Bot ارسال شده در مارچ 14 2024 تیم مدیریت اشتراک گذاری ارسال شده در مارچ 14 2024 1. Member posting is now working with the latest patch 👍 2. Database records made in clubs do not appear in feeds, not the club feed or the Activity feed. I have seen reactions to records though. 3. Pages Feed Blocks don’t honor club-level access permissions. On the club level, I turned off access for “Members not in this club” and the records can’t be accessed by non-club-members. But Pages Feed blocks for the database contain these records, despite “honor permission” being activated. The goal here would be to create a “latest news (or whatever the content is) from the clubs I am a member of” block. 4. Adding a category in a club is missing the Description field 5. Not making a Pages category in a club public leads to a confusing, generic error message, which doesn’t tell the user to join the club to access the content. I think the error should be clearer, or the Pages category tab should be hidden from the club, as it is done with Forums in clubs. Right now, it’s inconsistent. Forum tabs disappear, Pages tabs lead to an error. View the full Question لینک به دیدگاه https://ipsforum.ir/topic/2046-pages-in-clubs-observations-so-far/ به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر گزینه های به اشتراک گذاری بیشتر...
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