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  1. I wanted to start my forums from scratch by using new location (forums.manishbangia.com), while the old location was www.manishbangia.com/forums.

    But while trying to configure it, I am getting following error.

    An installation has already been activated for this license key. Your license key entitles you to one installation only. If you need to change the URL associated with your license, contact IPS technical support.

    Kindly help.

    Manish Bangia


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  2. Hi all,

    I'd like to ask some support for upgrading my software to 4.7.17 version as it is required to keep using Sofort and Ideal payment methods via Stripe. 

    I found this tutorial and copied all steps. However, when I click "Check for new updates", the Beta does not become available. Usually when there is a new update available, I get a notification which enables me to install the update. This notification doesn't pop up. 

    Could you please advise?

    Thanks in advance. 

    Thanks, Etienne 

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  3. I am experiencing an issue with starting the task after updating to 4.7.17 beta 2. Are you experiencing similar problems?


    Could contain: Page, Text, Computer, Electronics, Pc, Computer Hardware, Hardware, Monitor, Screen, File


    ValueError: max(): Argument #1 ($value) must contain at least one element (0)
    #0 applications/core/tasks/unlockmembers.php(53): max()
    #1 system/Task/Task.php(281): IPS\core\tasks\_unlockmembers->execute()
    #2 applications/core/modules/admin/settings/advanced.php(751): IPS\_Task->run()
    #3 system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\admin\settings\_advanced->runTask()
    #4 applications/core/modules/admin/settings/advanced.php(38): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #5 system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\settings\_advanced->execute()
    #6 admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #7 {main}


    #0 init.php(1036): IPS\_Log::log()
    #1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler()
    #2 {main}


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  4. This issue is reproducible only on a page with 2 editors with each having a different area assigned:

    • Create a page with 2 editors in it. Let's say the editors use the following keys in the same application:
      • EditorA
      • EditorB


    Case 1: Disable the button ONLY for editor A

    The button is disabled for both editors A and B.


    Case 1: Disable the button ONLY for editor B

    The button is visible for both editors A and B.



    If you have 2 editors (A & B) that use 2 different areas on the same page, the cached result of the first editor (A) displayed on the page is always used for the second editor (B) without checking if the button is actually available also for the second area.


    This issue is caused by the static function \IPS\Text\Parser::canUse( $member, $key, $area ) because it caches the result of each button only using 2 values: member_id and $key:

    static::$permissions[ $member->member_id ][ $key ];


    The $area value is only checked if there is no cached result:

    	 * Can use plugin?
    	 * @param	\IPS\Member	$member	The member
    	 * @param	string		$key	Plugin key
    	 * @param	string		$area	The Editor area
    	 * @return	bool
    	public static function canUse( \IPS\Member $member, $key, $area )
    		$permissionSettings = json_decode( \IPS\Settings::i()->ckeditor_permissions, TRUE );
    		if ( !isset( static::$permissions[ $member->member_id ][ $key ] ) )
    			if ( !isset( $permissionSettings[ $key ] ) )
    				static::$permissions[ $member->member_id ][ $key ] = TRUE;
    				$val = TRUE;
    				if ( $permissionSettings[ $key ]['groups'] !== '*' )
    					if ( !$member->inGroup( $permissionSettings[ $key ]['groups'] ) )
    						$val = FALSE;
    				if ( $permissionSettings[ $key ]['areas'] !== '*' )
    					if ( !\in_array( $area, $permissionSettings[ $key ]['areas'] ) )
    						$val = FALSE;
    				static::$permissions[ $member->member_id ][ $key ] = $val;
    		return static::$permissions[ $member->member_id ][ $key ];



    If you also want to slightly optimize the code, the json_decode() call can be moved inside the first IF since the data isn't used if a cached result is found.

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  5. A user had a monthly subscription ending 22nd of May. He has upgraded to a half-year subscription. The expiration date of the subscription has not changed. It still shows 22nd of May. Nothing has been done manually.

    The user in question has an ID 293449.

    Can you please check what is false and instruct what I have to do, to grant him his paid subscription term.

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  6. We are trying to move some topics to an archive forum and rename an existing forum. This is for a very small number of topics, probably less than 20 (but I don't know for sure because I can't view them any more). 

    The background process has been stuck at 0% for over a week. We've tried running it manually multiple times and it says "completed" but still shows the task stuck at 0.

    The forums in question can't be edited, showing "Moving/Deleting" in the CP.

    How can we either force this process to complete or kill it and do everything manually?

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  7. This is probably works as designed. But...

    We have the lot of clubs on the site. The club members are subscribed to the club and club forum (club feature). If a new topic is posted in the club, the members who have not logged in more than three months, do not get any notification about new topics in the clubs. Even if they log in after 4 months. Nor in the notification list, neither per e-mail. Nothing. They do not check clubs and do not see that someone asks something there.

    We have club members that create new topics in older clubs, but nobody replies. Is there any possibility to inform subscribed club members about new topics per e-mail? I know that I can change notifications throughout the entire site. 

    Could contain: Page, Text

    But this has an impact on entire forums. And the active members are just annoyed when I change email to “enabled by default”. They immediately start to mark email notifications as spam, instead of unsubscribe. And this hurts our email reputation.

    Still, I would like to inform "sleeping" club members, there is a new topic in the club. They probably would return to the community to answer the question. But they never return or answer if they are never notified.

    Is there any possibility to achieve it?

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  8. I added these alternative payment methods via Stripe where they are active and configured but when I try to pay, I receive the error:

    An error occurred while processing the payment. Try a different payment method or contact us for assistance.

    Payments by credit card and Paypal work without problems, the errors are only present with the alternative systems that I added yesterday, marked in the red box:


    When I created these payment methods I inserted these values by copying them from the existing one I already had (working):

    • Stripe secret key
    • Stripe public key
    • Webhook Signing Secret


    1.  Could this be the problem? I can't find any errors in the logs in ACP.
    2. I noticed that in my stripe The WebHook is set to use a fairly old API version: 02-28-2018. Is this correct or should we choose the new 10-04-2024?

    Thank you



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  9. So I went ahead and upgraded to the most recent version but it seems to be missing the forums module. I didn't think anything of it when it said that it was incompatible in the upgrade script (like a dummy, I'm like why would it have a problem with that?)

    Well it did. I went and downloaded it direct from the site and forums is completely missing from the download.

    Any help would be appreciated:

    Could contain: File, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen, Text


    I went ahead and restored my site back to my backup from yesterday. But help to resolve this so I can upgrade would be great.

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  10. This exception is thrown when editing a member's Warnings & Restrictions from an ACP profile:

    Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "Undefined array key "idm_block_submissions""
    #7 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException in \system\Patterns\Bitwise.php:112
    #6 Whoops\Run:handleError in \system\Patterns\Bitwise.php:112
    #5 IPS\Patterns\_Bitwise:offsetGet in \applications\downloads\extensions\core\MemberRestrictions\Downloads.php:48
    #4 IPS\downloads\extensions\core\MemberRestrictions\_Downloads:save in \applications\core\extensions\core\MemberACPProfileBlocks\Warnings.php:130
    #3 IPS\core\extensions\core\MemberACPProfileBlocks\_Warnings:edit in \applications\core\modules\admin\members\members.php:1307
    #2 IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_members:editBlock in \system\Dispatcher\Controller.php:107
    #1 IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller:execute in \system\Dispatcher\Dispatcher.php:153
    #0 IPS\_Dispatcher:run in \init.php:934


    The issue is caused by the save function's code in /applications/downloads/extensions/core/MemberRestrictions/Downloads.php (line 48):

    	public function save( $values )
    		$return = array();
    		if ( $this->member->idm_block_submissions == $values['idm_block_submissions'] )
    			$return['idm_block_submissions'] = array( 'old' => $this->member->members_bitoptions['idm_block_submissions'], 'new' => !$values['idm_block_submissions'] );
    			$this->member->idm_block_submissions = !$values['idm_block_submissions'];
    		return $return;


    The value for the old array key is using the wrong "bitoptions" syntax:


    when it should be:


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  11. On the main forums page I can see that there is a queued post in one of the forums: 

    Could contain: Text, Symbol

    Normally I click the red '1' and that takes me to the thread with that queued post where again I can see a red '1', and I click it and then I can approve that queued post. 

    This time, when I click the red '1', it shows me a list of only one topic but with no red warning sign and no red '1'. I can't find any queued post in that topic. 

    PS: Stock invision theme, no plug-ins. 

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